Normandy Shed and Works

The Normandy Junction layout has an engine shed at one end of the station complex adjacent the signal box. This comprises of a turntable and loco storage roads. The Engine Shed section has been developed to also be used as a standalone layout and is available to attend exhibitions.
When The Engine Shed is used as a standalone layout additional baseboards are used comprising of a traverser section which provides access to the railway works and a fiddle yard. The layout allows for busy operations with locos coming and going from the double track mainline and locos from the railway works via the traverser. In this configuration, the layout dimensions are 7.0 m x 0.7 m
The Engine Shed can be booked for exhibitions through the GOGG Chairman.

Layout Photos

Show Date :  23 November 2024 - 10.00AM TO 4.OOPM
The Guildford Trade Show - enquiries :
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